

Secret Neighbor is a unique horror adventure game that combines stealth, exploration, and puzzle-solving elements in one package. The game has been developed by Dynamic Pixels for Xbox One, Windows 10 PC, and PlayStation 4 platforms. It takes place in the mysterious neighborhood of an abandoned home where strange things are happening. A group of ki...

Secret Neighbor: Hello Neighbor Multiplayer

  • Sasha Bloomberg

Secret Neighbor is a unique horror adventure game that combines stealth, exploration, and puzzle-solving elements in one package. The game has been developed by Dynamic Pixels for Xbox One, Windows 10 PC, and PlayStation 4 platforms. It takes place in the mysterious neighborhood of an abandoned home where strange things are happening. A group of kids tries to get into the house to rescue their missing friend, only to find out that the neighbor might not be as friendly as they thought he was. 


Secret Neighbor boasts impressive visuals with detailed environments and character models rendered in 3D graphics. The atmosphere is eerie and tense, with plenty of jump scares thrown in for good measure. The lighting effects create a sense of dread while adding depth to otherwise simple environments. Additionally, the animations are smooth, which helps bring life to each scene within the game’s world. 


At its core, Secret Neighbor is a game about sneaking around without being detected by your neighbor, who has set traps throughout his home for you to stumble upon during your quest for your missing friend. You must use items found around the house, such as keys or tools, to progress through each level while avoiding enemies or traps set up by your neighbor along the way. If you do get caught, then it’s likely you will have failed at getting past him unscathed or retrieving whatever it was you were trying to locate inside his home—which can lead to some intense moments. Furthermore, players will also have access to various gadgets, such as flashlights, that can help them see better when sneaking around dark corners of this mysterious house in order to stay undetected from their neighbor's gaze. 

Replay Value

Despite being relatively short (completing it should take no more than 2-3 hours), there is still plenty of replay value thanks largely due to its “Neighborhood Mode” (where up 8 people can play together online). In addition, there are also various secrets scattered throughout each level, so those who choose to go back through levels may be able to uncover new surprises along the way.  

All things considered, Secret Neighbor provides an enjoyable experience any fan of horror games should definitely check out if given a chance. Its intricate puzzles combined with its suspenseful atmosphere make for a thrilling gameplay session sure please fans both hardcore gamers and casual audiences alike.

  • Intricate Puzzles
  • Atmospheric Visuals
  • Smooth Animations
  • Online Multiplayer
  • Variety Of Gadgets
  • Varied Gameplay
  • Plenty Of Replay Value.
  • Short Length
  • Limited Enemy Variety
  • Not Much Character Development
  • Linear Storytelling
  • Lackluster Cutscenes.